SCREENWRITING CONTESTS: 4 Entry Dates (Don’t Wait)

HELLO FILMMAKERS:  Hello Hyphens (Writer-Director, Writer-Producer, Writer-Actor)

Got Your Script. It’s perfect.

Of course, get an agent. Get a deal. Go into Pre-Production

But you can’t, you say you’ve tried, the doors are shut, no one will talk with you, never the less listen to a pitch and you believe the only way to claim credibility, and secure representation, is to win a Screenwriting Contest.

Yes, it is a way.

But please be careful… maybe 80% of the contests out there have very-little if-no-merit at all.

Happy Writers, part of Stage32’s offerings, has merit. Have you already submitted? No, what are you waiting for?

WHY? The founder has gotten wonderful acceptance for Stage32 from within the industry.

The phrase “Stage32” is acknowledged as a true Social Film Community, it is a positive marketable entity and they (Stage32) have media attention and will present, promote and support the winners to and within the industry.

And there are others, but not many, than just Nicholls & HW (Happy Writers), that have merit… but again not many and below are 4 that have upcoming deadlines.


After Happy Writers & Nicholls what are the 4

Again; your script is done; it’s registered; it’s perfect… Good. Now submit. Win & Get Representation…

Now, after The Happy Writer contests for (A) New Blood, (B) TV & (C) Film with Stage32, which I assume you’ve already submitted, here are the only 4 other upcoming contests in MAY-NOVEMBER 2015…that have some merit…

Merit again is the Hollywood Agents are aware of the contest, believe that it’s judges have industry knowledge and the contest is a marketable entity…

Then  if you win, or even place in the Top 3, you will likely (1) secure representation for Yourself future writing assignments (get your pitches & loglines ready) and also, secure representation for (2) the winning script, which you wrote, as a project.

Nicholls and Happy Writers then…

  2. SLAMDANCE (June)
  4. BLUE CAT (November)

Google. Research. Submit.


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 ***** NO-BULL *****

3 comments on “SCREENWRITING CONTESTS: 4 Entry Dates (Don’t Wait)”

  1. Anthony McBride says:

    i am interested in getting my scripts into festivals but I am stuck in the first draft mode and can’t get it polished to an acceptable level. Please help.

  2. I have written books that can be converted into scripts. Is that OK? As you can tell, I am not too familiar with all this Script/Book business.

  3. Henry Larry says:

    Appreciate the insight on navigating screenwriting contests. Valuable advice on finding reputable ones amidst the sea of options. Will definitely look into these suggestions for my next submission.
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