WRITING GREAT DIALOGUE (Part 3: THE 10 Rules & “10-3”)


RULE #3: “10-3” is KISS (aka: Less Is More)

The 10-3 Rule clearly states and explains the “10-3” Rule which is do not use more than 10 words of dialogue for every 3 sentences a character speaks.


KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.  When we talk to each other we have short sentences, no monologues and rarely allow each other to finish a sentence.

10 Words over 3 Sentences.

For more depth on the 10-3 Rule and 9 other Rules please read the attached excellent article below.



Below is an excellent Screenwriting Website (“www.whatascript.com”) that has numerous lists on the DOS & DON’TS

Below is a list, from them, of the 10 RULES for DIALOGUE


RULE #1: The Golden rule

RULE #2: Think Different

RULE #3: 10-3 Guideline (KISS)

RULE #4: Cross Your T’s

RULE #5: Keep It or Toss It

RULE #6: Face the Challenge

RULE #7: Know Your Character

RULE #8: Make A+ Characters

RULE #9: Pros Use Subtext (You to)

RULE #10: Fire Bob & Friends

THE ARTICLE (Click Below)



READ & COMMENT… Share, Share, Share

Now, give 2 of your Rules for Great Dialogue.

Share Dialogue Rule #1 __________

Share Dialogue Rule #2 __________


FS-$89 (2) DSC_8143

Dov S-S Simens / Dean / Hollywood Film Institute

If questions,,, my NO-BULL “Streaming”, “DVD” and “Live” Film Schools are available at www.WebFilmSchool.com.

Happy Filmmaking


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 *** NO-BULL *** 


3 comments on “WRITING GREAT DIALOGUE (Part 3: THE 10 Rules & “10-3”)”

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