CAA: Agency #1 (Contacts, Names & Numbers)

CAA Agency is The World’s Largest

There are 6 MEGA Agencies in Hollywood that represent Actors, Directors, Writers, Singers, Comics, Speakers and Producers,. They are “CAA:, “WME”, “ICM”, “UTA”, “APA” & PARADIGM. And the largest, even after the alleged UTA raid of 8-10 top Talent agents, is “CAA” (Creative Artists Agency)



Founded in 1975 with a $21,000 Loan and $35,000 Line of Credit by William Morris agents Mike Rosenfeld, Michael Ovitz, Ron Meyer, Bill Haber and Rowland Perkins


5,000+ Clients with 1,500 Agents/Employees, with 11 offices worldwide


TPG Capital owns 52%



Kevin Huvane, Steve Lafferty, Rob Light, Bryan Lourd, Richard Lovett, David O’Connor and Michael Rubel


JJ Abrams, Drew Barrymore, Jerry Bruckheimer, Sandra Bullock, James Cameron, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr, Jamie Foxx, Anne Hathaway, Chris Hemsworth, Ron Howard, Matthew McConaughery, Melissa McCarthy & Peyton Manning (Go Giants)



Started in 1975 tThey have become the home of the A-List Movie & TV talent be they Writers, Directors, Actors or Producers but have recently gotten into the Sports Management industry with the launch of CAA SPORTS and quickly grabbed representation of Derek Jeter (Baseball, NY Yankees), Sydney Crosby (NHL), David Beckham (Soccer) and now reps almost 1,000 jocks.

Further in 2008 CAA continued to diversify by becoming a large stockholder in Evolution Media Capital (venture funds) and invested in companies like Fred Segel, Fender and Scopely… Recently TPG Capital invested $166 Million, plus an additional $75 Million for a 35-40% share in the hopes of taking the company public and literally cashing-out.

CAA has 11 offices in LA, NY, Chicago, Nashville, London, Beijing, Stockholm, Mumbai, etc…


CREATIVE ARTIST AGENCY (LA), 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067 (TEL: 424-288-2000)

CREATIVE ARTIST AGENCY (NY), 162 Fifth Ave, 6/F, New York, NY 10010 (TEL: 212277-9000)

CREATIVE ARTIST AGENCY (LONDON); 2 Queen Caroline St, Hammersmith, London, W6 9DX (TEL: 020-8323-8016)

LA CAA Agents:

Adviser: Start by trying to speak with the Heads & Co-Heads of the Literary & Talent division of Motion Pictures. When you call let’s see how cool you are or how good a salesman you are but likely you will get past the CAA front office receptionists with persistence but not past the “first screener” for the agent… but who knows? Everyone has a story of how it started and all I know is if you don’t call… there will definitely be no story.

Below are the top 7 Department Heads (Talent & Literary) for the Motion Pictures Division.

Tracy Brennan (Co-Head, Motion Picture Talent)

Jimmy Damody (Co-Head, Motion Picture Talent)

Joel Lubin (Co-Head, Motion Picture Talent)

Jim Toth (Co-Head Motion Picture Talent)

Todd Feldman (Co-Head, Motion Picture Literary)

Risa Gertner (Co-Head, Motion Picture Literary)

Remember… They have over 1,500 Agents/Employees

    FS-$89 (2) DSC_8143

Happy Filmmaking,

Dov S-S Simens / Dean / Hollywood Film Institute

For more detail my Streaming Film School and DVD Film School are available at


Keep Up to date… Join our e-mail list.

 ***** NO-BULL







73 comments on “CAA: Agency #1 (Contacts, Names & Numbers)”

  1. Scott Pettit says:

    This is for Tracy Brennan
    Please tell the Donald to consider Jesse Waters for his spokesperson. He is the best in the business! Jesse will represent him very well!

  2. To whom it may concern: Re interview with Beyonce Knowles
    My name is Elaine B. Holtz and I produce a radio show called “Women’s Spaces”, you can hear and watch some of the shows on

    I was very impressed with the performance Beyonce presented at the NFL and her message. I would love to be able to interview her.
    I record live on Mondays and can do the interview phone.
    KBBF 89.1 is the first bi-linguel station in the country and goes out to 18 counties in Northern California. I think it is so important that more people hear her message – it is very important in todays world. I also want to encourage you to read the Poem “I Am Woman I Am All Women” which will give you some insight into the motivation behind the show.
    This is a stretch as we are a local station covering 18 counties but many young women listen to the program. I also want to share the pledge we take every Monday Morning My Self-Esteem does not depend on anything out side of me,.
    My Self-Esteem depends on my relationship with myself and my high power.
    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    If this is not possible let me know but send her a message from an older woman, keep up the great work, we need strong voices like yourself.

  3. moses says:

    My name is Moses Nkereuwem, am an actor and i write good movies my genre of movies are action, adventure, science fiction and animation comic. i have written 30 movies which five of it are seasonal, one of my seasonal movies is complete left with four, am writing my own movies and also providing acting roles for other characters to star in, my office line is. +2348174980822. i will be expecting your reply, thank you.

  4. Bob Goodwin says:

    Do yourself a favour.. Read it. Love it. Want it.

  5. Araz o.Rasheed says:

    Dear Sir/madam
    I have a perfect story about Peshmrga and Saddam regime science 1985 and i want to make it as a film so would you mind to help me for it. If you wish to do that i can send my abstract story.
    Best Regards
    Araz O.Rasheed
    Kurdistan region

  6. Albert N Doguiles says:

    hey I was wondering if keanu Reeves wanted to ride motorcyles together towards tarpon sponge docks from largo. My phone number is 7274521476 and please bring your own motorycle I only have one that im still paying off. sorry

    1. Dress good says:

      Probably I know owner of fleet of motor home…
      Here a thought I wondered why police secret service alias jailers to appear to be helping creative artist agency… they thought this man is not william haber son. Now we can call police in secret service can pretend thier quinn haber and we want sex to be apart of his family
      ..well had he gone to sheriff axel rose and helped date his brother to philipinoes…his ascent to healthy existence laid out as leaving this black guy for sheriff informants. What if his father was approached by his sons friends father who 1989 cared but 2019 is p diddy’s purina get lost. Friends with million. And to leave his sin for fbiteam…fbifeltthreatenedbycreativeartistwelltheifyournitsomeonetheyrespects. so long. This public slavary people need or else they cant function in life or some door to pandora box will open…

      Police found guitar on church property after lacounty sheriffs came to live as cia in bay area he claimed his desire to drive CVup aand not be friendly but instead was paged by ciagirl who eventually was allowed to stay at the church friends with a guitar player that that liked Jews booty at the time.

      Giving usmarshal go ahead on speaking through people the father ask police to help him remove the son for Italians who pretended friendship with the son. Pretend he asked police to come kill his son first security gaurds at social security…police used many human resources and police money paul motion jack black and his wife planned to help quinn haber and his brother at shriff pretend jack black would get killed for police captain in vernon and Huntington park bring fred hatchet and people bhin black mans passed would only help Gorman marry and work but not for micheal shire who quinn haber knew at the time

      Since he stolen guitar he has been claiming to help los ange lookescounty steal his property after theoryr new police on person that steals his things for da asked if Dimitri was taken by ezelto visit quinnhabers crystal nmeth friend who also followed him claiming he tried to rob at gun point 211

      C 211 robbery is always a felony in California law. Penal Code 211 PC reads: “Robbery is the felonious taking of personal property in the possession of another, from his person or immediate presence, and against his will, accomplished by means of force or fear

      Saw him in freezer after telling him he is not selling eggs attracted him hugged his waist…freed himself told police he tried to do start this hurt his nose… did not have eggs?? So now stole his guitar never has to enter people’s property and steal… at night but used to teach tennis ask people if in fact hand Chinese fdid asked for theirs sons job. Would slander him during tennis lesson to search for black guy..we tried to di sme things scandal had followed him stole his guitar after he left the fathers home..

      Threatened that sum person at ucla lost both his hands to visor his own father.. wellsometown where we pay rent we dont want you…could these villains be opposed to cia or secret service or sheriffs who ..broke and see other peoples efforts useless…

  7. steve says:

    I got a great idea for a show you know that show on CMT call house disaster they move houses well I’ve been in the mobile home business for 4 years and I know a lot of people in the mobile home business and you want to talk about a drama show the mobile home business will be very funny and I think everybody would like to see it we set mobile home for a living and it is very scary sometimes trailers can fall and I got two big companies in Texas would love to be on the show looking for a agent who can help me make the show

  8. I want to be a public figure. Can you help me?

  9. DJ says:

    You represent some amazing talents who have spoken in support of transgendered people using the bathroom of their choice. I ask that you them to reconsider. Here’s my take on the issue: What do you call the intrusion of a biological male into the private space of a biological female over the objection of the biological female? I call it RAPE (I know because I am a survivor). Moreover, there is nothing feminine about insisting that one can only be comfortable in one’s own skin by invading the sexual privacy of others. Such action can only be described as a d*ck move.

  10. beyonce4life says:

    i have always wanted to be a singer and actress and if i cant be a singer i can be an actress also i am great for model i have also great stories which i would like to make into films i am very good at writing and get top grades for writing stories mostly in english i write some in swedish and bosnian. i can see a great picture in my head where everything wil be set etc and how i want the film to look like. the problem is that i am only 13 but i wanna have contact with someone so at least by 18 or 19 i could be famous plz plz answer and say if it is possible in any way i want to have contact with u until then when i can actually travel to america by myself ansewr on this email

  11. I am ready to be dignified for the people I love. Already. Please. I can prove everything.

  12. Françoise says:

    For Mr. P.Button agent of Mr. Jackie Chan.
    Mr. Button, I await your response to my story ‘ In the Shadow of the Dragon ‘ in roles, Mr. Jackie Chan and his son and Mr. Van Damme and his two son . Mr. Van Damme received the script.
    thank you,
    Françoise ASTRUC
    Screenwriter, Author . LA FRANCE

  13. Well wishes Sir!

    Please I have an amazing story for sale, its about the beginning life and how supernatural beings were born, what gave birth to them, what made them powerful, what confused them, what led them to war against themselves, what led them to have connections with man (flesh and blood gods) and what made them good or evil. If you ever need such story, you can contact me via

    Tel.: +2348091152860 and



  14. Cecil Hall says:

    D E A …D, Molecular Man, The Inbetween Boy Friend, Target San Diego, The Real Baseball Story. Force Three, are just the beginning.

  15. irfan rana says:

    M an actor model and singer , write myself m very enthusiastic to work in films

  16. I need a talent agent cause I wanna be an actress on the walking dead

  17. Ketty says:

    I am one of 7 children who had a rich life until my father got ill and married a second wicked woman who took from us everything including several million dollars. I thought we could have this true story in a film. My father contributed a lot of his genius to the shipping industry. Anyways I thought maybe it can be done into a film. Thanks. Ketty

  18. Nadehda says:

    I need to contact an agent Nicole Kidman, I already 5 months looking at me to her proposal.

  19. I’m trying desperately to find an email address for CAA as I have a block buster film script solely for the American market. I live in the United Kingdom and looking for someone to take the glory of pushing this script forward. Must be someone who an interest in history, science fiction and some comedy. Please help, I don’t ask much of anyone but this would be fantastic if someone would give the time of day to look at this script. Its very good trust me(ps. I’m doing this for my partner, I’m not that talented I’m afraid). Kind regards. Aliki

  20. Ewang mbome says:

    I am a good soccer player at Div 2 in Cameroon . Want to be a pro

    1. NAJAF NAZAR says:

      I want to join you
      Plzzzzz contact me soon I want to work under your Direction

  21. Aleshia says:

    Congratulations on Johnny Depp becoming a client…awesome job.

    1. Leonard says:

      Hi Aleshia, good job. Keep the good work. You ever wanted the new era johnny deep? I’m Leo, I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging but I’m the new big thing. I’m an actor, model and a writer. I have great stories I’d love to produce. Let’s connect. Look for me on Facebook and instagram. Leonard Zeini. Stay safe.

  22. Jefferson E. says:

    I need an Agent and/or Writer for the Africa TV series idea below because I feel we can do more for Africa. Africa’s history needs to be exhumed. The extant Benin (Edo) Kingdom in West Africa has a rich, formidable and enjoyable history. From its medieval relations First with the Portuguese, the Dutch, the English etc, their World-Famous Bronze ArtWorks, its military innovations, their god-kings, their dynasties etc. How about we throw more light on this?
    Seems like worthwhile to me??

  23. John America says:

    Merly Steep is a wiening bitch, How dare she use the Golden Globe award for her own use !!1


    The old saying America, LOVE OR LEAVE IT STREEP

    1. Pat says:

      Totally agree. I’ve stopped watching her movies and used to be a huge fan. Own many of her movies which I bought when they were priced less than $10. When I see her face now, my stomach turns. The same goes for Robert DeNiro. Have pretty much halted renting Redbox and think I’ve seen 3 movies at theaters in last 2 years. So turned off by Hollywood.

  24. America restart says:

    HIIlary lost because she was a criminal, No not the Russians or the Iraq’s. They make more drama than the CLintons

  25. MARTIN LOREN says:

    Humility is the mark of an ELEGANT,
    Classy human being.
    It does not matter if you can’t read or 5 DEGREES if you have genuine HUMILITY I WILL RESPECT YOU.

    Lets now view the Entire entertainment industry, and try to understand humans that have power over others. Their hearts (90%), change when power is earned or bestowed upon them. The agents, managers, attorneys, producing, directoring, casting etc.etct….

    PROVEN, result based outcomes.
    If you are widely KNOWN (in good favor or a celebrity of sorts), PLEASE,
    NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER discuss, sexual preferences, religious,
    And most importantly, POLITICS………. ……….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU LOSE 1/2, 50% OF YOUR FAN, AND OR ADMIRING B A S E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Once a celebrity in any of the ARTS,


  26. Louis Ruggiero says:

    My name is Louis Ruggiero I am a retired NYPD narcotics Detective and 911 first responder. I was an undercover narc. Detective and very active police officer. I worked in brooklyns worst areas as well as Staten Island. 10 years in organized control narcotics division I have seen a lot. I’ve been involved in several shootings and was at 3 separate calls for fellow officers that were murdered. I was a first responder to 911 and was there when the 2nd tower collapsed . My partner and friend of 15 years lost his life as s result of 911. After 6 months at ground zero I worked with military elite units training them for urban war fair by executing searching houses and keeping loss of innocent life to a minimum. I am always training and still athletic. I moved to LA with my wife and 3 kids to pursue my 16 yr old daughters music and acting dreams. I have always had s love for movies and figured while I’m here I may as well try to get involved with consulting,acting or anything that my past experiences can be of some assistance .

  27. or maroni says:

    February 23, 2017

    Dear Sting,

    My name is Or Maroni, and I am writing to you on my own behalf and on behalf of my life partner, Debbie Cohen. We are the mothers of Michal, who is getting married this coming Monday, February 27, 2017, to Dan – her beloved and ours as well.

    I am writing to you with a request that you must already have gotten hundreds of times in your life – to honor their wedding with your recorded best wishes.

    Dan is everything we hoped and wished that our daughter would find as a spouse. He loves and cherishes her; his integrity shines forth as strongly as his personal charm. He is, in short, the man who we believe and trust will be the perfect father of the children they will have (our future grandchildren!) and the pets they will raise.

    Here’s the thing: Dan loves you, too – almost as much as he loves Michal and his own mother (yes, he’s one of those children who love their mothers  ). Dan is 30; he taught himself to play the electric guitar, and then the bass guitar, from listening to your music. He doesn’t read music, but he knows how to play every song you ever wrote or performed.

    He has been to two of your concerts, and for their honeymoon, they’re planning for him to take our Michal to what will be your first concert for her.

    Dan’s musical world revolves around you and around jazz.

    Dear Sting, I can’t tell you how we waited for this man, who would sweep our daughter off her feet and give her the happiness he gives her. Debbie and I don’t have much money (as we say, we are rich in every sense but the financial one). Although we love Dan intensely, we are unfortunately unable to send them to your concert. But we know he’ll get the shock of his life, in the positive sense, if, during the wedding, we can stop the music and surprise him by playing a few seconds of your personal best wishes for Dan and Michal.

    We would be so grateful if you could please do this, for a man who loves you with his heart and soul.

    Thank you in advance,

    Or and Debbie

    Or Maroni
    Tel: 972-4-6461404, 972-52-5634826

  28. Taylor Tony says:

    For Andrew Garfield –

    See what you think of this: It requires a strong character who begins as a geek and ends as a reluctant prophet of doom. It’s science versus religion, romance, disaster, and a bit of ballet for the female lead. Film treatment available.

    – Tony Taylor

    Author: The Darkest Side of Saturn

  29. Alex Ribeiro says:

    Dear Sir Richard Lovett,

    I have tried a contact with Steven Spielberg, to offer a really very intriguing and unpublished story about Amedeo Modigliani.
    This story is the result of a historical / scientific research work on an unpublished work by Modigliani, brought to Brazil in 1914. A narrative full of art, poetry, science, occultism and spiritism.
    I would like to present you with a short video that I produced, where I present only a few details of my project started in 2007, also subtitled in English. Look:
    I am waiting for a brief return,


    Alex Ribeiro
    São Paulo B razil
    (55-11) 99183 2663

  30. Ellen says:

    Wonder why CAA would block the email of some who submitted only three or four queries (or fewer) politely and according to protocol? Could this be a tech error? Email returned with message something like “Access denied”

  31. Steven LeVine says:

    Sandra Bullock is causing more harm than good with Sveen Peterson.
    Meeting Sveen tge first time 1977 and each visit ending about 1988. Was very helpful, and was paid tips and Christmas gifts during that time.

    Sveen needs to have an attorney – CPA help now, otherwise tge tax code will tax Crowd Fund, at a ridicules rate.

    Then temporary housing, like guest house at BH or area residence. Not a permanent apartment, Sveen can use his stories to make money, book deal, Amazon, Net Flicks, and speaking engagements about how Fane leads to demise.

    Fraud and not having friends, acquaintances help is tragic.

    The IRS, Real Estate board, attorney for previous home closing are very much liable for tge reported crime.

    Steven LeVine ICL Represented Icons of Entertainment between 1992 -2001 before selling business and now resides in New York.

  32. Steven LeVine says:

    The demise of Fame in Hollywood.
    Licensing Sveend and his IP is more valuable to him now, and get his remaining time to pay off.

    Counsel and Agency needed to provide counsel, this would have given him 15 past years of real income.

    Steven LeVine which Sceend talked to at pool with Icons in Industry including then visiting from Toronto for Holocaust dinners at Century Plaza, and other corporate business.

  33. It’s time for an interactive, worldwide movie. I have developed the scripts that will make that possible. See an introduction at

  34. Arro says:

    Athletes sponsored by Red Bull and their agents need to read this about Red Bull scandal…

  35. Enes Sevent says:

    for communication
    the greatest act of acting I will never be destroyed and I believe I will succeed I thank you for giving me a chance

  36. alex north says:

    has anyone told ms. streep that ‘Florence Foster Jenkins’ has been edited on amazon. I don’t know who did it, but she at least should be told, if she does not already know it. a terrible thing to do.

  37. Jennifer Campbell says:

    To Mr. Lourds,
    Please tell that loud foul mouth Robert De Niro to stick to his day job and quit preaching to americans about President Trump. He is a bubble living out of touch actor who has nothing in
    common with middle class americans, the ones who have made him rich by going to his movies. The ones who have suffered under the last administrations policies. Did we see Obama deal with school shootings, or immigration? No, he lied to us and fed us obama care and now most americans can not afford the 6,000 in net work, or 12,000 out of net work deductibles. We do not have cadillac SAG insurance out here in the real world. Tell that to Jimmy Kimmel too. The lecturing from these people is hard to stomach, thank god we can change the channel. Please be part of the solution to unite our great country by understanding real issues of everyday americans.

  38. Victoria says:

    Hi I have tried to contact you for 9 months I have brought IN by hand head shots and CV I HAVE CALLED Your office and spoken to staff they all say I need personal introduction. I wish I could reach you..

  39. Camryn L. Cole says:

    I am such a huge fan I am speechless. I have always wanted to be an actor that is really all I can think about all day everyday. My parents want me to be a surgeon but my big dream is to be an actor on disney channel. I am a very big fan of zendaya.

  40. im a painter an a writer i want to propose you Magic Stories soon in Amazon in english and Historias para niños con imaginacion by Cristina Roldan actually in Amazon

  41. You are listed as a signatory and yet in resent years we have not received copies of your contracts or who to contact in our jurisdiction of MS, AL, NW FL coast especially acts appearing in our casinos. You can send the information to our email address or mail to our office at
    3001 F Ave., Gulfport, MS 39507-2337

  42. Lanena Bennett says:

    dear,producer’s, Agents
    I have written three full-length movie scripts wanted to know if you would consider reading. Lost Love, I Belong to you and Christmas movie. Daddy,Based on a true story.
    Please let me know if you would consider reading full scripts I will send them to you.
    Thank you

  43. MAXI SPISAK® says:

    I WISH to work with you. Thank You
    Emmy Award® Winning

  44. MAXI SPISAK® says:


  45. Kimberly a Brymer says:

    My name is KImberly. I am 47, currently living in Pasadena Tx, and I am writing for help. Long story short, my brother hung himself, my son (age 17) shot himself, then my husband also shot himself followed by my sister and best friend who died of an accidental overdose. And THEN, one of my friends died of natural causes shortly after my sister. I am NOT looking for fame, just help. I am now an alcoholic and I recently tried to commit suicide myself. I spent 6 days in a coma on a ventilator, ect. I need someone to help me. This is really strange how I even ended up here asking for help….it’s not what I am about. In my 47 years, I have borrowed money from 2 people, and paid them back twice what I owed, because it’s just who I am. I retired as an RN, and now I am on disability which only pays me right at $1000/mo. I want to go to rehab at Windmill Wellness in Canyon Lake, Tx. They have a program that treats PTSD and suicidal tendencies (which I have tried to kill myself so many times, and this last one was the worst, but for some damn reason, forces that be won’t let me….other stories there). I will gladly make a payment plan to pay someone back, I just need help. The only thing I’ve ever excelled at is loving others and bringing them joy.. I guess God just thinks I’ve got a bigger purpose to fulfill, even if I can’t see it. Hopefully, someone may randomly come across this and know my heart is for real. The cost is about $53,000 for what I need to accomplish (they have a specific neuro program for people like me} and not a penny more. I can send proof from the staff at Windmill if anyone needs it and I promise to keep in touch with any/all my donors.

  46. Micheal James Jagger says:

    Why wont Sebastian Bachs 1986 beautiful hidden ballerina+actress wife Lavina accept movie scripts?

  47. HI!! I’m Bebuo Christianne and I am a life coach. I help people build self-esteem, strong well-being skills, powerful relationships and much more. I am just here to connect with CAA and offer my coaching services for anyone in need. Book a complimentary and confidential strategy session or get in contact with me TODAY at

  48. Mahendra Nath Maharana says:

    I write screenplays and want to contact an agent to pitch my screenplays.

  49. Abu Aliyu says:

    Please l need help Dov lam poor African woman from Nigeria

  50. This is really helpful in contacting some people that are needed to be contacted. Thanks a lot!

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    1. Salvi says:

      When you call let’s see how cool you are or how good a salesman you are to find a contractor near me but likely you will get past the CAA front office receptionists with persistence but not past the “first screener” for the agent. Regards

  53. Jessie says:

    Let’s see how awesome or salesy you are when you phone. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get past the CAA front desk receptionists with tenacity, but not the agent’s “first screener.” See:

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